Chengdu Discovery

Sichuan Home of the Giant Panda, Sichuan has historically been known as "The Heavenly Kingdom". Home to some of the most stunning mountain ranges and wilderness areas in China, the Kham Region of Western Sichuan is referred to by many as "Eastern Tibet". Our Sichuan programs start in Chengdu and take students into the wilderness and mountains of the Ganzi Tibetan Prefecture to learn about Tibetan culture, mountain ecology, and back country travel and camping techniques. This is one of our more remote and adventurous locations for outdoor education and cultural awareness programs.
D1 | Course start, welcome and introductions, course overview |
Culture awareness (Sichuan Opera, Sichuan Hotpot) | |
Hotel | |
D2 | Animal rights (Panda base visit) |
Hotel | |
D3 | Culture awareness and achievement (Taoist Temple visit) |
Team Challenge ( catapult building and water balloons fight) | |
Hotel | |
D4 | Rock challenge (Use of gears, knot skills, belay skills and team encouragement) |
Rope skills (Abseiling and team achievement) | |
Hotel | |
D5 | Course end. Departure home |